About us

Actif Consulting was established through the separation of the accounting department of the Secom Consulting company, operating since 1989. As well as administration staff, the company employs thirteen highly qualified employess in the field of accounting. In terms of economie law the company collaborates with the limited partnership law firm of T. Studnicki, K. Płeszka, Z. Ćwiąkalski, J. Górski founded in 1998. The company brings together many authorities in this regard.

Actif Consulting keeps the books and performs tax services for dozens of Polish and foreign companies operating in Poland in various legal forms. All the financial and fiscal bookkeeping is stored in electronic form using the financial and accounting as well as HR and payroll software provided by Commarch – CDN Optima company. This software complies with all the required regulations of the accounting act . The software complies with the GIODO regulations of in regard of protecting the personal data. The software also allows secure remote access and drawing up reports and financial statements.

The company is insured against liability under the laws issued in this regard.

Actif Consulting company is authorized to provide tax consulting services, listed among the entities authorized to provide these services.

We employ tax consultants, holders of certificates of accounting and accounting specialist with years of experience.